How to make coding a habit in 5 actionable steps

How to make coding a habit in 5 actionable steps

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1. Be consistent

This is self-explanatory because you can't create a habit without being consistent

What I recommend doing is trying your best to code for 30 minutes/day at least

No more, for a few months (1-2)

Just do something you enjoy (build a project for example)

2. Document your journey online

This is the thing that helped me the most of form the coding habit

This will keep you accountable to share something every day and that means that you need to code for a bit every day

Don't overthink this, just start

3. Do something you enjoy

To be fair this is a shortcut

Once I started working on my coding projects (which is something I enjoy) I started to form this habit

It become something normal to code every day because I loved doing that

4. Join a community of beginner developers

If you don't want to document your journey online, you can try this

Just join a private community of developers on Reddit, Facebook, or anywhere else and share your journey

Talk with others about what you're learning and all that

5. Force yourself to do it

You might need to code first thing in the morning

Or after you get back from school/work

That's ok, I was there too

Just find sometime during the day when you can code for a bit so you can finally form that habit and make everything easier


  1. Be consistent
  2. Document your journey online
  3. Do something you enjoy
  4. Join a community of beginner developers
  5. Force yourself to do it

If you liked this thread, make sure that you follow me on Twitter @VladPasca5 for more threads like this one

The end

I hope found this useful and if you did please let me know. If you have any question feel free to DM me on Twitter .