5 resources you can use to learn HTML, CSS, and JavaScript by building projects
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1 - javascript30.com by @wesbos
This is the course I'm currently taking and I love it.
It contains 30 projects that will help you learn JavaScript better and faster
You'll get the HTML and CSS file so you can focus only on the JavaScript part if you want to
2 - frontendmentor.io by @frontendmentor
This is the best platform you can use to practice your HTML, CSS, and JavaScript skills
How it works👇🏻
1.You choose your challenge
2.Then you code the design
3.Lastly you submit your solution so you can get feedback from others
3 - @freeCodeCamp projects
At the end of each section, they give you some projects you can build
5 of them are with HTML and CSS - freecodecamp.org/learn/responsive-web-desig..
And another 5 of them are with JavaScript - freecodecamp.org/learn/javascript-algorithm..
4 - fun-javascript-projects.com by @chrisdixon161
This is a free series of fun JavaScript, HTML, and CSS projects
What you will build👇🏻
-Tip Calculator
-Running Tracker App
-Guess the Number
-Music Player App
And more
If you already learned the basics, this is perfect for you!
5 - udemy.com/course/50-projects-50-days by @florinpop1705 and @traversymedia
Sharpen your HTML, CSS, and JavaScript skills by building 50 quick, unique and fun mini-projects
You'll learn👇🏻
-Flexbox, CSS animations, custom properties
-DOM manipulation, events, array methods
And more
The end
I hope found this useful and if you did please let me know. If you have any question feel free to DM me on Twitter .