Web developer roadmap, the only 2 JavaScript array methods you need, web development resources, and more My 10 favorite Tech Twitter tweets from the
If you found value in this thread you will most likely enjoy my tweets too so make sure you follow me on Twitter for more information about web development and how to improve as a developer.
You need to check these 5 websites if you use Tailwind:
By Insharamin %[twitter.com/Insharamin/status/1435190482414..
Focus on learning these 2 JavaScript array methods:
By UbahTheBuilder %[twitter.com/UbahTheBuilder/status/143493945..
Here is how publishing a book can help you:
By CicmilJovan %[twitter.com/CicmilJovan/status/143587998149..
Change your mindset:
By DThompsonDev %[twitter.com/DThompsonDev/status/14364734268..
The only web dev roadmap you'll ever need:
By WellPaidGeek %[twitter.com/WellPaidGeek/status/14364262720..
A cool website that contains a ton of resources for web developers
By Prathkum %[twitter.com/Prathkum/status/143609194578532..
Don't let those failures define you
By sunilc %[twitter.com/sunilc/status/1436038004183683073?s=20]
You need to listen to this one:
By oliverjumpertz %[twitter.com/oliverjumpertz/status/143633374..
If you use Youtube to learn web development check this out:
By denicmarko %[twitter.com/denicmarko/status/1435548481876..
The only eBook you'll need when you're searching for a job:
By EddyVinckk %[twitter.com/EddyVinckk/status/1435122562237..
I hope found this useful and if you did please let me know. If you have any questions feel free to DM me on Twitter.